Electromobility in Germany is entering a decisive phase. Sales of electric cars are lagging far behind expectations, while competition from China is growing.
Now the CDU is proposing a solution that is intended to make access to e-mobility easier for people with lower incomes in particular: a state-subsidized e-car leasing.
For people with low incomes
In Germany, there are many people who have difficulty affording an electric car. Two CDU MEPs, Peter Liese and Dennis Radtke, are now campaigning for an average income of up to 43.750 EUR annual salary has the opportunity to Electric car However, the funding is not intended for people receiving citizen’s allowance, but for everyone who works hard and still cannot afford expensive New cars can afford.
The idea is to create an offer that also self-employed and pensioners to switch to e-mobility. The proposal envisages Leasing offers which are financially supported and thus facilitate the switch to electric cars.
France as a model: leasing for electric cars
This is based on the French model, which was successfully introduced in 2024. There, people with low incomes can already buy electric cars for 100 EUR per month The program is aimed at all those who depend on a car for work and who live a certain distance from their workplace. In this country, the model could not only boost sales of electric cars, but also contribute to drive change Afford.
SPD parliamentary group vice-chairman Detlef Müller spoke openly. SPD strategy paper A subsidy for electric cars is proposed. Leasing providers should be obliged to electric car quota to increase the proportion of electric cars on the roads.
The question of company car subsidies
While the CDU is in favor of funding, it is critical of the federal government's subsidies for company cars. Two thirds of new cars are registered for commercial purposes, which is why this is an important lever for the spread of electric cars. Nevertheless, Liese and Radtke argue that this support primarily Executive favoured, while the ordinary worker hardly benefits from it.
Competition with China: The Challenge
Another aim of the CDU proposal is to chinese Manufacturers from funding. The EU accuses China of favoring its car industry through state subsidies, which trade conflict The result is punitive tariffs on electric cars from China, and the situation is complicated. It remains to be seen how the subsidies can be designed in such a way that European manufacturers benefit.
At least in the short term, the exclusion will probably have little impact, as Chinese manufacturers have so far primarily been active in high-priced segment However, this is not of interest to the target group of the CDU proposals - people with low incomes.
A glimmer of hope for the future
The idea of a government-supported leasing program for electric cars could be a step towards switch to e-mobility This gives a chance, especially to those who have not been able to afford an electric car so far. Targeted support could give more people the opportunity to switch to environmentally friendly drives and thus contribute to the future of mobility.