MiscellaneousWhat is crab walking / dog...

What is crab walking / dog tracking on the vehicle?

Dog tracking and crab walking are terms that are actually used in connection with vehicles and are not only used in the field of biology. Crab walking is a description of vehicles that can move much like a crab. The Hummer EV is an example of crab walking. The vehicle has a "crab mode" that can change the position of the wheels. Dog tracking occurs when the rear axle is not parallel with the front axle centerline. In very rare cases, this can be the case for reasons of vehicle design, but it can also indicate serious damage if, for example, someone is at the Drift has misjudged and hit somewhere.

Crab Walking - Hummer Crab Mode etc.

Crab Mode is the name of the mode that makes the new Hummer EV move like a crab. If this mode is activated, all four wheels turn in the same direction in order to be able to drive diagonally. A short video clip of the vehicle has been released showing how the Crabwalk works. As it looks in the video, the mode can be selected and carried out using the on-screen command "Crabwalk". The Crabwalk is not to be confused with the “Tank Turn” from Rivian, in which each wheel has its own, independently operating electric motor. With the tank turn, the entire vehicle can be turned on the spot. Crab walking is not necessarily new and is well known in tuning circles. However, this property has not yet been specifically built into a vehicle by a manufacturer. The Hummer EV can be seen in more detail from October 2020.

Dog Tracking - Car Damage, Or Not?

Dog tracking is now and then visible on US roads, for example. Anyone who sees a vehicle on a straight road that looks as if it is driving sideways and all four tires are visible from behind, is probably experiencing the phenomenon of dog tracking. Dog tracking occurs when the rear axle is not parallel to the axle center line of the front area. Dog tracking can occur in vehicles that have a straight axle and the rear area gets out of hand. As a solution, for example in the USA, the front area is again adjusted so that the vehicle can drive in a straight line. However, it should be noted that dog tracking actually only appears after an accident. Dog tracking can therefore indicate a much larger problem with the vehicle that cannot be fixed with "Adjust". If the rear and front areas of vehicles with straight axles no longer interact and dog tracking occurs, the vehicle should be taken to a workshop immediately. The driver usually knows why!

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Dog Tracking and Crab Walking

And finally ... Dog tracking and crab walking describe different movement sequences in a vehicle. While dog tracking can result from car damage, crab walking is by design and, with the Hummer EV, is even built into a vehicle as an additional feature. The crab walking can be admired in videos (see above). It can also be seen at drifting shows and is an absolute eye-catcher for tuning fans. If, on the other hand, the vehicle shows dog tracking symptoms, then a workshop should be visited.

We hope that you have read the info report on the topic / term crab walking, dog tracking (Further designations / keywords: Crabwalking, Dogtracking, Crab Mode, Dog Mode, Hummer Crab Mode) from the field of autotuning.

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