If you have a breakdown and need to change the tire, then a jack is a must. But how do you solve a glitch problem in offroad use? And even at home, it is almost impossible with a conventional jack aufzubocken a vehicle that, for example, a Höherlegung or mighty Offroad tires has blocked. In the following text you will learn which types of jacks there are and what advantages and disadvantages has an off-road jack.
What types of jacks are there
In order to lift the car in an emergency, there are several possibilities. Here are the different types at a glance:
- Balloon or hovercraft jack (lifting bags)
- Scissor jack
- Rangierwagenheber
- Hydraulic stamp jack
- Offroad jack
The mentioned jacks differ in technology and also in lifting height. The balloon jack works with air pressure. In principle, the "air cushion" is inflated to such an extent that the vehicle is raised. The scissor jack is screwed up using a winch. A trolley jack mostly works hydraulically, ie with the help of oil pressure. It is very similar with the stamp jack. However, the jacks mentioned in more detail have a decisive disadvantage: these jacks can hardly be used on an unpaved surface. It is different with the off-road jack. One example is the so-called farm jack. It is specially designed for such situations. It can also be used on unpaved roads and / or hilly terrain.
The advantages of an off-road jack
With a farm jack you can operate on rough terrain. Especially for SUVs and other off-road vehicles, the Farm Jack is therefore best to carry necessarily. Also in the field of forestry and agriculture, this jack is gladly used. Because especially the special vehicles with appropriate ground clearance must be raised with a special jack such as the Farm Jack. Of course, the Farm Jack can also be used on normal roads. As a rule, the Farm Jack Jacks have a lifting capacity of up to 3 tons. The vehicle can thus be raised up to 130 cm. Whether you need to maintain your vehicle or change a tire. The long lever arm makes this possible in the end. A special backstop prevents slipping and ensures safety. Nevertheless, you should always exercise caution when using. This includes the use of multiple trestles. It is also advisable never to use a Farm Jack alone.
Disadvantages: Working with the High Jack is quite exhausting. This can make handling difficult. Because with the associated lever, the leverage is generated solely by muscle power. In addition, the lifting height is limited by design. If you have little physical strength, you might have some trouble here. Nevertheless, the benefits of the Farm Jack jack outweigh.
The offroad jack lift
The Farm Jack are stable and robust and can also lift tractors and similar vehicles. This is what makes an Offroad Jack lift so valuable for owners of heavy vehicles. The price is also not too high for the quality. This tool is a must for every screwdriver and for people who like to be on their own when they are out and about. PS: For lowered Vehicles is one flat jack especially. In our post "All information about flat jacks for tuned cars!" there is more information on the subject. And also with one Jack stand you can lift and repair a vehicle. How it is used is explained by our contribution "Parking stand for the car? How is it used? Tips!".
We hope that you the info report on the topic / term Offroad car jack (further names / keywords: All-purpose lifter, ATV jack, off-road jack, high lift jack, lift tractor, off-road lift, heavy lift, SUV jack) from the field of autotuning.