The world of driving has changed. Topics such as sustainability and saving fuel are more present than ever, for the environment but also for your own wallet. Many drivers don't realize that just by adjusting their driving style, they can effectively save money by using less gasoline. The following tips are aimed at anyone who continues to travel by car and still doesn't want to waste more petrol than necessary. Please read this article and then try the entertaining one Pass the Verti Insurance knowledge test and thereby expand your knowledge about efficient driving and car insurance.
Predictive driving and efficient braking – the key issues on the road
When it comes to reducing gas consumption, efficient braking and predictive driving are two crucial factors. If you brake abruptly, you waste valuable energy. The same applies if the arrival is unexpected. Stop-and-go is therefore not an efficient driving technique, but rather leads to more unnecessary fuel consumption. It's also worth taking advantage of the vehicle's rolling instead of climbing into the irons and then giving it full throttle again. Anyone who decides to use engine brakes can not only save fuel, but also reduce brake wear. The changed driving behavior may seem strange at first, but it pays off in the long run.
The correct tire pressure – it is more than just a cosmetic factor
Efficient driving depends largely on the correct tire pressure. If the tires have too little pressure, there is increased rolling resistance and consequently higher fuel consumption. Ideally, if you drive a lot, your tire pressure is checked and adjusted once a week. If you only drive rarely, you can check once a month to see whether the tires need a new charge. The use of nitrogen can also prove to be beneficial as tire pressure is maintained for longer. The required pressure level can be found in the vehicle manual and on the inside of the driver's door. It is important that the test is carried out when the tires are cold. If the tires have already warmed up, the pressure is automatically higher. Ultimately, the right tire pressure not only ensures more stability when driving, but also extends the life of the tires and saves fuel.
Maintain your car regularly – this way, errors can be identified quickly
How much gasoline a car uses also depends on its condition. An efficiently working engine is the basic requirement for anyone who wants to save gasoline. It is also important to change air filters regularly and check the spark plugs routinely. A well-maintained vehicle usually has a healthy engine, which reduces the likelihood of repairs. Energy consumption can only be efficiently reduced if the engine runs smoothly and there are no “weak points” in the car.
Stop when stationary - running engine causes loss of fuel
At railway barriers, drivers are required to switch off their engines while the barrier is closed. The rule does not apply at traffic lights, but it still makes sense. As soon as the expected waiting time is longer than 20 seconds, it is worth switching off the engine. Many modern cars are equipped with an automatic start-stop system. It switches off the engine and activates it again when the driver presses the clutch. In urban areas with a lot of traffic, turning off the engine regularly results in huge savings in energy consumption.
Drive slower and transport less luggage – small measures with a big impact
If you drive slower, you use less gas. The higher the speed, the greater the air resistance. The vehicle has to fight against this and therefore requires more energy. By sticking to speed limits and avoiding fast routes, fuel consumption can be reduced. A constant speed without sudden acceleration maneuvers is also worth a lot. On highways, it can be helpful to use cruise control to keep driving at a constant pace.
Energy consumption depends not only on speed, but also on the luggage in the car. The more people travel, the more fuel is used. Unnecessary items in the vehicle should be removed as they clearly increase the load. This includes unnecessary drinks crates, unused roof racks or even items that have only been driven from A to B for weeks. Everything that is in the vehicle should really be needed. For example, it's not a good idea to keep your heavy toolbox in the trunk for a long time.
The topic of roof racks is also interesting from another perspective. The aerodynamics of a vehicle have a major impact on fuel consumption. Bicycle racks, roof boxes and other structures increase air resistance and thus fuel consumption. Open sunroofs and windows can also increase air resistance. To improve aerodynamics, it is helpful to remove unnecessary and unused structures. At high speeds, it is also advisable to close the windows and roof of the car.
Conclusion: Saving fuel is possible without reducing the distance
The best and most efficient way to save fuel is clearly to switch to a bicycle. Since this is not always possible, the tips mentioned above will help you make the best possible use of the kinetic energy and reduce additional energy consumption. If you drive with foresight, don't load your car unnecessarily and avoid constant braking maneuvers, you can notice a significant difference in your wallet. In the beginning it's often just small things that show up at the pump. Calculated over a year, the above measures can save a significant number of liters of petrol. Furthermore, choosing the right car insurance is also a crucial factor in saving money without having to forego the necessary services.