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LawSpeeders may also have to hand in their car with us!

Speeders may also have to hand in their car with us!

In Switzerland it has long been commonplace and in Austria it is in the starting blocks: severe penalties for speeders. What many do not know, whoever ruthlessly exceeds the permissible maximum speed can Also in Germany in certain circumstances lose his car. What could for him notorious speed limit ignoramuses be worse than that Having to hand in a driver's license? Exactly if that is yours Means, the beloved car, is taken away with it. The government in Austria has now launched a five-point plan with significantly tougher penalties and a possible vehicle confiscation against frenzy. In urban areas, the limit for exceeding the speed limit is 80 km / h, while outside urban areas it is 90 km / h. However, these new rules will probably not be implemented before 2022.

Switzerland serves as a model

Switzerland serves as a model, where cars have been allowed to go for years due to massive speed violations be withdrawn by a judicial decision. In addition, the driver threatens at least two years driving license and a prison term of up to four years, but usually in the case of a first violation probation.

seized vehicles in Switzerland © Bonhams

Illegal car races can lead to confiscation

What is still unknown to many: who on one illegal car racing participates can his car lose permanently even in Germany. With Section 315d of the Criminal Code "prohibited motor vehicle races“Became after the Speeding accident from the Berlin Kurfürstendamm In October 2017, a new criminal offense was created, which replaces the previous fine offenses replaced. In certain cases, razors are threatened up to 10 years in prison. In addition, the vehicle can according to § 315f StGB confiscated and confiscated will. The law is justified as follows: "Members of the 'speeding scene', who define themselves by the speed of their vehicles, are particularly impressed by their retirement."

almost 370 judgments in 2019

In 2019 there were total, according to law enforcement statistics 364 convictions due to prohibited motor vehicle races. In 2018 there were 103 convicted speeders. That is a huge increase! How many cars in each case, however actually seized and confiscated is unknown.

A race doesn't always have to involve two

Also "Race against yourself"Are possible, explained the traffic lawyer Uwe Lenhart (Frankfurt / Main) in a guest article in the" FAZ ". There the expert expressed himself as follows: "Motor vehicle drivers who move at inappropriate speed and in a grossly illegal and inconsiderate manner (...) are liable to prosecution."It's about reaching the"highest possible speed", Which through the route (Urban areas, country roads, motorways), the current traffic situation and weather conditions are determined. Even vehicles that not the real culprit can be withdrawn. "The idea is for members of the 'scene' who mutually leave motor vehicles to one another for races or who acquire them from one another in order to make confiscation impossible.", Lenhart explained at the request of the CAR PICTURE.

Penalties for repeat offenders

In the case of repeated driving without a driver's license, according to § 21 (StGB) also retracted the vehicle will. The car has to not be one's own, even that of the owner can be confiscated if hehas ordered or approved“That the perpetrator drove it. A judgment of the Munich District Court (Az .: 943 Ds 413 Js 241683/16) makes it clear that even when driving without a license in combination with drug consumption the car can be gone.


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