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LawTempo 30 on all streets in Leipzig? Pilot project starts!

Tempo 30 on all streets in Leipzig? Pilot project starts!

If there is any nonsensical idea in the European hinterland of how to get the motorists can continue to annoy you, then it must be possible to bring that to Germany too? It can't be that we have something no matter what, forget it and don't take it with you as a lump sum! This is the best example general Tempo 30 recently introduced in Brussels. Why don't we get the idea to do this To save the environment and maybe even the world? And by the way, you can also earn stupidly with it! Lightning notices on the assembly line and therefore corresponding revenue, A Win-win situation! At least for them City and - if needed - the "Nature". Fortunately, the city is now coming Leipzig on the Tempo 30 idea. Finally another bullshit for us drivers in Germany! And should the city council agree on March 24th and the federal government support the project, then the pilot project could be launched 2022 start.

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Model test could start next year!

The Saxons want to be the first major German city Tempo 30 on the main road network expand. That’s what you want great Meet demands from the left and the Greens. Sure, who else could it come from ... Building mayor Thomas Dienberg (Greens) wants to use a model test "in a demarcated urban area"And apply for Tempo 30 at the Federal Ministry of Transport. And of course, more cities are being planned for the "outcry“Project to be won. Several cities have already been addressed and the first meetings will take place till the end of June apparently take place. According to the media on the net I think they have too scientific institutions already announced interest in accompanying the pilot project. The aim is to investigate the effects on traffic safety, local public transport, environmental and noise protection and public acceptance. You have just read our opinion!

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