On Saturday two weeks ago, the Frankfurt police were on duty to check tuned cars and motorcycles. The police officers had 64 vehicles and 7 motorcycles in the period between 10: 00-22: 00 clock controlled and thereby can find a lot of technical change. Alone with 19 vehicles this led to the immediate expiry of the operating permit because the changes were simply too serious and safety relevant. A luxurious Mercedes G-Class and a VW Polo were completely secured.
The G-Class was good 20 dB too loud and the VW Polo was clearly too deep with a maximum ground clearance of 3-4 cm. However, the driver shot down a car driver with about 1,9 per thousand and was carrying a small amount of hashish. Including the fact that this person did not have a driver's license was next to the immediate end of the ride and a criminal complaint safely. Specifically, the unsightly result of the action was that almost every third vehicle with the performed tuning measures violated the Highway Code.
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Flashes anyway: radar slides, anti radar sticker ineffective |