Thursday, May 2, 2024


The car tuning company "ROJAM (Rojamu)" was named after the hope named, which results when you read the name backwards (“MAJOR”). After the establishment in August 2006, the first original bike "DESTINATION" was announced in November 2006. Its ingenious design is not only reminiscent of a crazy country, it has also received great praise from abroad. By adding lineups and color variations, Rojam tries to respond quickly to your customers' needs. Rojam has not only the rims, a body kit kit or various silencers and other tuning parts at the start. There is also appropriate clothing, its own sales department and so the tuner is a real brand that wants to expand worldwide. Including sometimes crazy tuning of various minivans, the company covers a wide range of vehicles. The SUV, which has recently seen an upswing, and the “ROJAMIRT” body kit that was designed for the thick models are just as impressive as the in-house “ROJAM DTM exhaust system”. In addition, Rojam also focuses on creating promotional films for each product that it has published on its own website and on Youtube.