Tuesday, April 30, 2024


A little bigger, visually faster, and almost always a lot wider? BradBuilds makes just that possible. Here you can find souped-up cars that prove that a car is not just a car. Is the vehicle a status symbol? Sure, of course! And it's a duty to have it styled and tuned accordingly. A virtual car tuning from BradBuilds from Los Angeles in the USA is very promising and will definitely pay off as a template for a possible project vehicle. The tuning will show your own car from a completely new perspective. With the ideas of BradBuilds, the car gets everything, and much more if desired. So you should just let it rip and have your own car virtually refined by the American designer. The finished vehicles are made for the special test of strength. Your car can certainly also be extensively tuned. All you have to do is leave it to BradBuilds to create a virtual copy. He'll surely come up with a great concept. Are you looking for a graphic designer for virtually tuned vehicles? Then BradBuilds is perfect. More from BradBuilds can be found on artstation.com/bradbuilds.