Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Biesse Racing

Biesse Racing is based in Via Romano Scagliola, a city in Italy. The company has specialized in the processing of electronic control units (ECU tuning) for vehicles. The company was founded in 1994 out of passion and enthusiasm for engines and electronic control units. Biesse Racing attaches great importance to quality in its work and keeps up to date with the latest technology through constant investments. An internal research and development department ensures that the quality always meets the requirements of the tuning customers. Biesse Racing has a pioneering role not only in the Italian market, but also globally in the processing of software for electronic control units. To this end, the company adjusted the structure of its headquarters in 2010. Public relations were given more importance and awareness increased through social marketing on the Internet. Each individual configuration is developed by the tuner itself. The product range includes configurations for electronic control units for almost all relevant vehicles. Every software is put through its paces. Feedback from customers is also used to optimize the configurations. It doesn't matter if you have one Audi, a BMW , or Mercedes are driving. And also exotics like one Acura or Maserati get more power there. There is more about the company biesseracing.com.