Tuesday, April 30, 2024

So you stay fit even on long journeys

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So you stay fit even on long journeys

Driving is fun – primarily in the new SEAT models with state-of-the-art safety equipment. But especially those who are not used to long-distance travel or are no longer so used to it should not only rely on the safety assistants, but also reflect on their own responsibility and pay attention to a few things when going on tour. SEAT has put together a few tips for long journeys that are good for safety, fitness and concentration behind the wheel and go beyond the classic "Take a break!".

Prehydration: Fuel for the body

Word has gotten around that you should drink enough water throughout the day. It is also important to provide the body with sufficient water during mentally demanding activities such as driving a car, after all it consists of around 70 percent water - including the brain, by the way. A lack of liquid is noticeable in this context, among other things, by tiredness and lack of concentration. Because thirst is already a sign of a deficit, you should consume about 5 to 10 milliliters per kilogram of body weight at regular intervals and preferably two to four hours before the trip. This principle of pre-hydration is particularly well known to competitive athletes. It is also recommended for long car journeys.

So you stay fit even on long journeys
The right travel time depends on your personal predisposition: Are you an owl or a lark?

Owl or lark: the right time slot

Regardless of a reasonable water balance, the body's performance varies throughout the day. In general, the ability to concentrate is lower in the time immediately after waking up and during twilight, and the risk of making mistakes is highest. So you shouldn't sit behind the wheel for a long time immediately after waking up or after a hard day's work. Depending on your personal predisposition, certain time slots on the day that deviate from this can be the best individual travel times - especially if you know whether you belong to the larks or the owls.

Are you an owl or a lark? An early bird or more nocturnal? When a person has their most productive time of day with the highest ability to concentrate is different for everyone - that's predisposition. But when are you actually the fittest? To find out, the ACV automobile club has a small one Online test. Just give it a try!

So you stay fit even on long journeys
For journeys, for example on vacation, you should follow these tips

Stay fit without getting off

A long break every two hours or every 200 kilometers - the classic among the recommendations for long distances. An ideal that cannot always be achieved in reality. It is no substitute for this recommendation, but it is better than nothing to do a few exercises at the wheel, provided the traffic situation allows it. For example in traffic jams, at closed level crossings or at red traffic lights. ASFINAG, responsible for the construction and maintenance of the motorways and expressways in Austria, has put together some effective and easy-to-remember exercises.

But stop for a moment: look for a nice place

You should plan a 20-minute stay for the selected breaks. It is all the more relaxed if the service area or location for the break has been selected beforehand and offers all sorts of amenities. Are you traveling on the A1? Maybe you'll do the modern thing then Rest area Baltic Sea view stop. Another good example is the Am Fichtenplan Nord motorway service area (travel direction: West). Make sure that the eye also has a break, so to speak, and is allowed to see something different.

So you stay fit even on long journeys
Comfortable and safe on the go: This is what the ideal sitting position should look like

Well taken care of: toll, snacks and a parking space

You can do something good for your nerves even before you start your journey. Especially on unfamiliar routes, it makes sense to have the right cash ready for toll routes. Card payment is not possible everywhere and the situation of standing in front of a closed barrier and possibly causing a traffic jam is extremely unpleasant. A few snacks that give you enough power but are not too heavy on your stomach are good companions. Muesli bars, nuts or an apple are possible. For a relaxed conclusion to the journey, it can be worth looking for or even booking a suitable parking space before starting the journey, primarily for destinations in urban centers or inner cities. Anyone who has ever been to Amsterdam, for example, knows the problem.

Always nice to change

Driving one of the ultra-modern and dynamic SEAT models is fun, of course. Nevertheless: If circumstances allow, all inmates are helped if there are other drivers. The advantages are obvious: firstly, with regular driver changes, there is always a rested head at the wheel, secondly, the overall stress on the individual is less. And thirdly, in addition to their owners, as many others as possible should also be able to enjoy the SEAT feeling.

So you stay fit even on long journeys
Which are the best places for the offspring and which are not? The recommendations at a glance

Who sits where? The right place for your child

Who is actually sitting in the car? For a stress-free trip with the highest safety aspects, you should pay attention to where and how the little ones are sitting before a longer trip. The Isofix system is a huge step forward for child seats. Isofix brackets have been required by law for all new cars since 2014. Due to the rigid connection to the body, they ensure that the child seats are held better in the car. However, many vehicles do not have corresponding Isofix points either on the front passenger seat or on the middle seat in the back. For conventional child seats without Isofix, the middle seat in the back is usually not optimal either, as it often does not have the same width as the side seats and has a bulge on which conventionally attached seats can wobble. Older children from the age of 12 who are taller than 1,50 meters can also drive without a child seat - here the increase can be a convenient advantage.

Babies and small children up to 15 months should generally only ride backwards in a baby seat in the car. However, the following applies to the front passenger seat: If reboarders are used on the front passenger seat, the front passenger airbag must be deactivated. If the worst comes to the worst, this sitting position is the safest option. However, a baby in the passenger seat could distract the driver. While you can't keep eye contact with children in the back seat and exit is on the street, the rear seat on the passenger side has many advantages. An overview of the safe transport of children, the Isofix and child seat positions in the vehicle can also be found in the operating instructions for your SEAT.

So you stay fit even on long journeys
Especially when going on vacation, children should have enough activity

Keep the kids busy

The long distance to vacation or to visit relatives is an unusual challenge for the patience of small children. This often gets on the nerves of the parents, which can lead to distraction and thus represents a potential danger. Here, too, it makes sense to be well prepared for a relaxed trip with children. The age-appropriate entertainment material distracts the children and allows the driver to concentrate on the traffic. This can include coloring books, travel games or a favorite series on the tablet. The classic: "I see something you don't see" is still very popular today. But beware: The driver should only be included in the game if the traffic situation allows it (see point: Competition in the head: distraction through audio books). Appropriate toys are helpful for the long breaks, as they provide movement and create the necessary balance for the children. Then nothing stands in the way of a relaxed journey.

So you stay fit even on long journeys

Of course, that wasn't the end of it!

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So you stay fit even on long journeys

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About Thomas Wachsmuth

Thomas Wachsmuth - He has been an integral part of tuningblog.eu since 2013. His passion for cars is so intense that he invests every available penny in them. While he dreams of a BMW E31 850CSI and a Hennessey 6x6 Ford F-150, he currently drives a rather inconspicuous BMW 540i (G31/LCI). His collection of books, magazines and brochures on the subject of car tuning has now reached such proportions that he himself has become a walking reference work for the tuning scene.  More about Thomas

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