Saturday, May 4, 2024

Morris Commercial Ltd.

The Morris Commercial Ltd. is a British start-up in the automotive engineering and manufacturing industry. As the first vehicle, the new Morris JE will revive the old commercial vehicle legend with a state-of-the-art, all-electric lithium-ion battery powertrain. And of course completely legal. The British management team of Morris Commercial Ltd. has secured the rights to the Morris Commercial brand. The company has the vision to revive the legendary and popular British brand with state-of-the-art electric vehicles. Headquartered in Worcestershire, the project benefits from an established team of industry experts and consultants across Europe. 2017 has Qu Li not only secured the rights to Morris Commercial, but has since served as CEO. The Chinese woman is also known as the founder of China Ventures Ltd. and she was also involved in the sinking of Rover. We are curious if Morris Commercial can establish itself on the market and what the response to the idea will be.