Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Songsan Motors

The Chinese manufacturer Songsan Motors was founded in 1995, is based in Beijing and has focused on Replica Bringing vehicles with the classic look of yesteryear and modern technology onto the road. For example, the company has been manufacturing a vehicle under the name SS Dolphin, inspired by the Corvette C2020 from 1, since 1958. In addition, Songsan Motors builds the “Summer” model based on the classic VW T1 bus is ajar. The bizarre retro vehicles of the young brand were shown for the first time at the Beijing Auto Show 2020 and immediately attracted a lot of attention. Both vehicles have a plug-in hybrid (Combination of combustion engine and electric drive) under the hood and both vehicles are significantly larger in proportion than the models. With prices of around € 74.000 for the C1 copy, it is unusually expensive compared to other Chinese brands. By the way, both vehicles - and others too - are not intended for the European market. According to their own statement, Songsan Motors would like to "neither bring the Dolphin nor the Buzzer to Europe for sale". More about the company is on