Saturday, May 4, 2024

Reaper Wheels rims & Co. - from the game to reality!

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Reaper Wheels Rims & Co. - from game to reality!

Reaper Wheels rims are more known in the motorcycle sector and as a virtual rim choice in computer games. For example, the Reaper Wheels are offered as Custom Motorcycle Wheels. The items are made of aluminum, for example, and have a unique structure that makes the bike an eye-catcher. Reaper Wheels rims are playable in computer games or can be bought as an "item" (bonus / option) in the game. Below is a closer look at what makes Reaper Wheels rims / tires and whether the items are also available for cars.

Reaper Wheels rims - what makes them special?

Reaper Wheels are best known from PC games such as Rocket League & GTA. The items are worth a lot in Rocket League and can be purchased for real money. In addition to Reaper Wheels as items in PC games, there are also variants that are used for fun in the tuning area, especially in the USA. The Reaper Wheels rims are unique and have huge spikes that make them look dangerous. Self-built rims on a truck with special adapter disks from YouTuber are labeled as Reaper Wheels Whistlin Diesel been used for fun. And the box was even driven with it. If not really far. Reaper Wheels can also be found in the motorcycle area and can be purchased for Harley-Davidson or other motorcycles. However, they are much more civil here and only a name for a special type of rim.

Reaper Wheels in the motorcycle area

Reaper Wheels Rims & Co. - from game to reality!

In the motorcycle sector, Reaper Wheels are made of aluminum, for example. The items are available in chrome or black versions. The color selection is large and customer requests regarding the surface can be fulfilled. As relatively unique as the rims or wheels are, they should be resistant and meet the quality requirements of the customer and of course be approved for the bike. The items are available for Harley-Davidson motorcycles, for example. The Reaper Wheels from the motorcycle sector show themselves with dynamically shaped spokes. The extreme variant we're talking about is also suitable for ATVs. Here, too, YouTuber WhistlinDiesel used a game as a template for the idea and made the crazy wheels suitable for a quad. The rims are made of pointed steel sheets that have been welded to the steel rims of the ATV. If you ignore how dangerous the whole thing is, it is not really durable or effective.

Reaper Wheels rims - fun or serious?

Reaper Wheels rims are of course not serious in the auto tuning area. The rims are used by a few tuning enthusiasts for fun to test the possible and get a certain amount of attention. The sharp spike-like variants on the Ford truck or an ATV linked above are only suitable for the show effect and cannot be ordered in any online shop, etc. A corresponding wheel set must therefore be manufactured in-house. The Reaper Wheels rims should by no means be regarded as a serious rim alternative. In the computer game, they are almost a luxury due to the high item costs and have cool functions and features. All Reaper Wheels, however, have in common the entertainment value and the unique appearance, that applies particularly to reality. Anyone who searches under the keywords Reaper Wheels in search engines will primarily come across item variants for computer games. In the real vehicle tuning area, they are only intended as a fun variant and should not be taken too seriously. The same also applies to Square wheels, Saw blade rims, paddle tires, shredder wheels, tiny car wheels (mini rims), chain tires or wooden carriage wheels etc. All of this has already been tried and was only intended for the show. Even if the benefits and durability have differed. At the bottom you will find a few crazy videos.

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Reaper Wheels Rims & Co. - from game to reality!

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Reaper Wheels Rims & Co. - from game to reality!

Reaper Wheels rims - from game to reality!

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About Thomas Wachsmuth

Thomas Wachsmuth - He has been an integral part of since 2013. His passion for cars is so intense that he invests every available penny in them. While he dreams of a BMW E31 850CSI and a Hennessey 6x6 Ford F-150, he currently drives a rather inconspicuous BMW 540i (G31/LCI). His collection of books, magazines and brochures on the subject of car tuning has now reached such proportions that he himself has become a walking reference work for the tuning scene.  More about Thomas

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