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After the child seat - the booster seat for the vehicle!

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Recently updated on March 7, 2023 at 07:23 am

After the child seat - the booster seat for the vehicle!

If a child does not yet meet the dimensions or weight specified in the road traffic regulations, they must use a booster seat. One Booster seat is in not comparable to a Child seat, Rather, it is a shaped pad that allows the child to sit higher due to the height. A booster seat is necessary if the child is not yet 150 cm tall and is not 12 years old. A deviation from this legal regulation is also possible. Namely, when the child is not yet 12 years old, but is taller than 150 cm.

Differences in processing

After the child seat - the booster seat for the vehicle!

The cushion for a booster seat usually consists of styrofoam and has a foam rubber cover. Due to this processing, the booster seat is soft and ensures a pleasant sitting behavior. Appropriate mounts are often located on the side of the booster seat. This is used to attach the car to the normal belt. A special installation of a booster seat is not necessary. This also has the great advantage that the booster seat can be removed at any time if necessary. There is also no specific, fixed place for a booster seat. Rather, you can freely arrange the booster seat as long as it is attached to the Seat belt is possible. Accordingly, the seat can also be raised on the front passenger seat. Depending on the model, there may be differences in a booster seat. So there can be different sizes, but also differences in processing. For this reason, it is recommended to look at the models and compare them before buying. Also because there are differences in the cost of a booster seat. Comparisons to the booster seats can be found on the Internet.

Note the belt system and TÜV

After the child seat - the booster seat for the vehicle!

There is one point to be aware of in the belt system, it must be normal seat belts. And not around Sport Beltssuch as from a racing car. A child can only buckle up safely on the booster seat with normal belts. With regard to TÜV, no approval or a special entry is required. Before you can finally do without a child seat, the booster seat is almost always used. Many child seats are already compatible and automatically become a booster seat by removing the backrest. So if the child weighs at least 15 kg, can the increase is sufficient up to the age of 12 or a height of at least 150 cm. The booster seat should ensure that the seat belt runs optimally over the body. But you should keep in mind that a booster seat offers significantly less protection than a real child seat and rarely with one ISOFIX Bracket is coming. Especially in the event of a side impact. A booster seat may be permitted from the age of 3, but it is better to use the child seat as long as possible. Since the use of a booster seat is mandatory, violations can lead to corresponding penalties.

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After the child seat - the booster seat for the vehicle!

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After the child seat - the booster seat for the vehicle!

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After the child seat - the booster seat for the vehicle!

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After the child seat - the booster seat for the vehicle!

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After the child seat - the booster seat for the vehicle!

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After the child seat - the booster seat for the vehicle!

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After the child seat - the booster seat for the vehicle!

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About Thomas Wachsmuth

Thomas Wachsmuth - He has been an integral part of since 2013. His passion for cars is so intense that he invests every available penny in them. While he dreams of a BMW E31 850CSI and a Hennessey 6x6 Ford F-150, he currently drives a rather inconspicuous BMW 540i (G31/LCI). His collection of books, magazines and brochures on the subject of car tuning has now reached such proportions that he himself has become a walking reference work for the tuning scene.  More about Thomas

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