Friday, May 3, 2024

The impact test! What must the rims be able to withstand!

Reading time 4 Min.

The impact test! What must the rims be able to withstand!

Many tuners who rely on a special wheel and tire combination may already have the so-called Impact test belongs. But what is actually checked in this test? At a Impact test the rims of your vehicle will be on their stability checked. Such a review must be carried out after the ISO 7141 regulations and usually comes as part of a ABE or TGA to use. The impact test delivers detailed information about the Breaking behavior the rim / wheel at Run over one Obstacle. During the test, the respective bike (with the smallest wheel diameter to be checked) with the maximum permitted axle load from one exactly prescribed height on an edge pressed or fallen the gelass. Through this procedure, checkedwhether the wheel in a critical situation Bricht or just something bends. Huge influence on the results of the test Wheel diameter, because the larger this is, the more rubber there is between the asphalt and the rim.

Example for illustration!

The impact test! What must the rims be able to withstand!

In the course of an impact test, the rim of a Mercedes M-Class with the smallest diameter 255/70/16 is checked. If this passes the test, it is considered admissible. Let us now assume that the owner of a GLK is enthusiastic about the M-Class rims and would like to mount them on his vehicle. However, since the tires do not fit, the owner can mount tires with a diameter of 255/30/16. Thus the admissible and tested Wheel diameter from unterschrit. If the GLK then drives through a pothole with the impermissible combination of tires and rims and the pressure on the rim becomes too great, there is a risk that it will Bricht. As a result, there is an accident, which in the worst case even with a Personal injury ends.

If the owner of the vehicle has entered everything correctly, the insurance will be with the Investigation of the course of the accident Experts deploy. The expert will quickly realize that the workshop (or he himself) has installed a rim for him not adequately checked has been. Thus, the eventual workshop punishable made as they grossly negligent acted. Ultimately, the workshop will have to answer in court and for everyone costs incurred have to come up.

Here is our brief conclusion:

An impact test is an important part of vehicle safety. The test process simulates the collision of the already mounted wheel with an obstacle, such as one curbstone on the outside Rim flange. The so-called Impact load becomes from the Wheel load and the Wheel load increase factor determined. We hope that you have received our information report on the topic / term Impact test (Further designations / keywords are: Impact test, Impact report, Impact load, Impact test) from the Autotuning category. Our goal is to have the largest German-speaking tuning lexicon (Tuning Wikipedia) and to explain tuning technical terms from A to Z easily and understandably. We are therefore expanding this lexicon almost daily and you can see how far we have already come HERE see. And soon the next one will be Tuning scene concept illuminated by us. There's a theme that not can be found in our Wikipedia? Then send us an email at [email protected] and gives us the term. We will write a suitable article as soon as possible. PS. By the way, you will be informed about new topics if you have ours Feed subscriber.

The impact test! What must the rims be able to withstand!

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The impact test! What must the rims be able to withstand!

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About Thomas Wachsmuth

Thomas Wachsmuth - He has been an integral part of since 2013. His passion for cars is so intense that he invests every available penny in them. While he dreams of a BMW E31 850CSI and a Hennessey 6x6 Ford F-150, he currently drives a rather inconspicuous BMW 540i (G31/LCI). His collection of books, magazines and brochures on the subject of car tuning has now reached such proportions that he himself has become a walking reference work for the tuning scene.  More about Thomas

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